Located on the upper north side of Fredrick Street, the façade of SERVOL Caribbean Life Centre, before FORM Architects intervention, belonged to a monotone and dissonant dialect. The design intent of this renovation was to embrace a much-needed architectural language, which speaks to the vibrancy of the street, and it’s passers-by whilst identifying the commercial nature of SERVOL. The project involved the design renovation of the façade and threshold leading to the Doctor’s Office, Credit Union, IT Department and Accounts Facilities. The use of colors and shapes will hopefully remind the city of its proud identity and add to the cultural institution of the annual celebration of Carnival. The choices of materials used are so designed to address the inherent characteristics of street dwellers, carnival players and the harsh qualities of an urban environment. FORM Architects Limited is proud to deliver yet another project to SERVOL Ltd. and the transient and perpetual users of the city of Port of Spain.